
Thursday, August 11, 2011

ALL ABOUT CATS - Information About Cats

ALL ABOUT CATS - Information About Cats. Cats are mammals with a scientific name Felis catus, is also known as the house or the domestic cat. They are valued by humans not only as a pet, but not as a peer. They are also known for their ability to hunt insects and other household pests. They use their eyes and ears for hunting, it is also known as a skilled predator.

15 years is the life expectancy of the pet. Some studies in recent years, the average age of increases in domestic cats "in terms of the attention that people give, the quality of the food the cat eats, and the lifestyle that life Cat.

It is good to know some facts about cats: Blue is the color of the eyes of a cat at birth, just change upon reaching the age of 12 weeks. The cat door was invented by Sir Isaac Newton. Herb, parsley, sage and catnip are some of the favorite cats. A cat only likes to eat when food is at room temperature. Sometimes cats have a hard time finding the goodies to pull them because they can not see directly under its nose. Fear of cats is called Ailurophobia.

Here are the facts more fun and surprising behavior about cats: to cover his tracks against predators, cats bury their feces. The cats choose to eat using a clean container in the same place every day in silence. If your cat likes to climb Christmas trees, a lemon or orange scented air freshener to help you stop, just put the air freshener in the cortex and just leave the tree alone. You should be careful of your tone of voice because they get their security. When the cat feels very safe with you, turn around and do not expose the stomach for you. This is also a sign that you enjoy their company. Cats basis of its moods with his.

ALL ABOUT CATS - Information About Cats

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